Legal and Export Restrictions

Welcome to TechHunter.Net. We are committed to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the sale and shipment of our products. This page outlines the legal and export restrictions that apply when purchasing and using our car wash liquids.

1. Compliance with Domestic Laws

TechHunter.Net operates under the regulatory framework of [Country/Region], and all transactions are subject to the laws governing the commercial sale of goods within this jurisdiction. Customers must ensure that their use of our products complies with local laws in their area of residence.

2. Age Restrictions

You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase our car wash liquids. By placing an order on TechHunter.Net, you confirm that you meet this age requirement and that the purchase is lawful within your local jurisdiction.

3. Export Restrictions

  • Geographical Limitations: Certain products listed on our website may be subject to export restrictions due to international regulations or our company policies. These products may not be available for export to certain countries or regions. It is the responsibility of the customer to comply with all local and international laws pertaining to the import, export, and use of our products.
  • Prohibited Uses: Our products may not be exported or re-exported to countries under sanctions by the [Specify Authority, e.g., United Nations, European Union, or United States]. Additionally, our products may not be used for any purposes prohibited by export laws, including, but not limited to, chemical or biological weapons production.

4. Legal Use of Products

All products sold by TechHunter.Net are intended for use as described on product labels. Any misuse of our products or use for purposes other than those explicitly stated is strictly prohibited under our terms of service. Customers are responsible for using the products in accordance with manufacturer guidelines and applicable laws.

5. Customs and Import Duties

When ordering from TechHunter.Net, you are responsible for ensuring the product can be lawfully imported to the destination country. The recipient is the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the destination country. Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost and must be borne by the recipient.